Take our LGBTQ+ health and social care survey

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove is working in partnership with Switchboard to deliver this project. The purpose of this survey is to understand LGBTQ+ people’s experiences of services such as GP surgeries, hospitals, and to improve feedback systems.
LGBTQ+ Survey

Take our LGBTQ+ survey on health and social care

This is a 10-minute survey, and you will have the opportunity at the end to enter a prize draw to receive one of four £25 gift vouchers. 

Please complete the survey by 4th April 2022.  Please get in touch with any questions about this survey, or if filling it in online doesn't suit you for any reason and we can arrange to do it another way. Please email alan@hwbh.co.uk

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove is working in partnership with Switchboard Brighton and Hove to deliver this project on behalf of the Care Quality Commission (the "CQC").  

The purpose of this survey is to understand LGBTQ+ people’s experiences of services such as GP surgeries, hospitals, care homes and others.

We also wish to know if there is anything preventing you from sharing your feedback about services with the CQC and what would encourage you to do this more often. 

This project is being run by someone who identifies as LGBTQ+. 

Why sharing your feedback is important

Research by the CQC shows that in the last 5 years:

- almost 7 million people did not report their concerns.
- 58% of people regretted not raising concerns.
- 54% of the feedback received by the CQC resulted in direct action.
- 66% of people found that by raising a concern it helped the service to improve. 

Your ideas gathered through this survey will help the CQC to improve how they gather feedback from the LGBTQ+ community and make the process more meaningful.

More about Healthwatch and the CQC

You can watch a short video about Healthwatch here and read more about us here. Healthwatch is independent from the CQC.

You can watch a short video about the CQC here and you can read more about them here

All information gathered will be treated confidentially and used to provide data for the project and the prize draw. We may use anonymised quotes in our report when published. Your feedback about services will be shared with the CQC, although you will not be personally identified unless you choose to be.

By completing this survey you consent to any personal information being processed and stored in line with the Healthwatch privacy policy here. You can also read the CQC's privacy policy here.

Reflecting on your health and social care experiences can be difficult.

Please remember that you are not alone in this and support is available (you will be redirected to details at the end of the survey). But you can click here to access information directly

Please note

If you wish to provide feedback on more than one service you will need to complete a separate form for each one.

After completing the Healthwatch/Switchboard survey, please use this link to go to the CQC's online form

Give Feedback on Care form

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