Healthwatch England's release their 2021 annual report!

Our nation’s health faces enormous challenges. Find out in the Annual Healtthwatch England's Report to Parliament how your feedback has helped NHS and social care services improve care and their plans for the future.

Healthwatch England Annual Report 2021

Here are some of the differences we've help made

  1. From running advice lines to delivering medicines, our 3,700 volunteers helped combat COVID-19 across England.
  2. Thanks to your feedback, we quickly alerted regulators about care homes using ‘Do not attempt to resuscitate’ forms without consent.
  3. Fifty-four thousand people came forward in response to our campaign, which aimed to get the public talking about health and care issues they faced so services could be alerted.
  4. With online appointments becoming the norm, we use your stories to develop advice that helps more professionals and patients get the most out of digital consultations.
  5. When the public was worried about how the NHS would use their GP data, we helped prevent issues by advising the NHS to be more transparent and give people more time to opt-out.

Read the full Report

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