Staying Connected One Year On in the COVID-19 Pandemic - Care Home Webinar for Friends and Relatives of residents - 9th November 2021

On 9th November friends and relatives of care home residents met again to review the last 12 months including visiting relatives & the COVID vaccine. Health & social care representatives were on hand to provide wellbeing support to participants.

Care home resident with care staff

This event marks one year on from our first Healthwatch in Sussex care home webinar in November 2020. It is the ninth webinar event to be held across Sussex since then.

This webinar focused on relatives and provider perspectives of visiting restrictions and included particular focus on “essential caregiver” status.

The event was attended by forty people which included relatives, statutory & independent health and care professionals and voluntary community sector organisations.

In addition to the focus themes, relatives and providers shared their experiences over the last year and asked important questions about vaccinations and staff turnover. The main session was followed by a closed (unrecorded) session for those relatives who wished to talk in private about their concerns. This was supported by Healthwatch and Carers Support West Sussex.

A recording of the webinar is available for you to watch and the report can be downloaded from the link below.