Because we all care campaign - share your feedback with us

The "Because We All Care Campaign" jointly launched by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and Healthwatch England has already encouraged more than 50,000 people to share their experiences. Share yours today

The ‘Because we all care’ campaign is a joint initiative between Healthwatch and the Care Quality Commission.

It aims to encourage people using NHS and social care to give feedback on their experiences, to help improve services for everyone.

The benefits of sharing your views on services

Public feedback helps NHS and social care services spot what is working and what could be better when it comes to support. With services working to respond to the COVID-19 pandemic and deal with a backlog of care, people’s views have never been more important.

The 'Because we all care' campaign has helped improve care services by encouraging everyone to share their experiences of health and social care services.

Since its launch over a year ago, patients and their families have told the Healthwatch network that throughout the pandemic, the care you received was mostly impacted by:

  1. increased waiting times for appointments and procedures (49%)
  2.  A lack of resources and equipment (24%)

Even though nearly half (42%) of respondents believed that sharing feedback would positively impact their care, just one in five (19%) care users have shared feedback on a negative experience since the start of the pandemic. With just 17% of people in England expecting services to improve in the next 12 months.

The impact your feedback has

Your ongoing feedback has been vital in helping us improve care during the pandemic. Please continue to help by sharing your experiences of health and care services with Healthwatch.

We have used your feedback to:

  • improve end of life care for patients and their families at our local hospitals
  • highlight the importance of good patient communications, and push for change
  • raise concerns around access to dentists and GP services with those in charge
  • ensure your views on non-emergency patient transport, Musculoskeletal services (MSK/physiotherapy) and outpatients have been fed into high-level discussions to transform these services
  • and much more!

You care about the NHS and social care services, and so do we

We’re here to listen and act on your feedback to improve care for you and others. That’s why we’re running the #BecauseWeAllCare.

Please share your experiences with us.

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