Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19 (29.10.21)

Welcome to our Healthwatch bulletin. This includes an update on the COVID-19 vaccination programme and our regular bulletin on health, social care and COVID data.

Welcome to our bulletin on health and social care and COVID-19. This is attached as a separate document for you to click on and download. 

This month:

- you can read about the National Awards that Healthwatch Brighton and Hove has been shortlisted for.

- read our new guide to NHS dental treatment which has been produced by Healthwatch in Sussex.

- read our latest report on Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services.

Also within our bulletin:

1) We are currently seeking to recruit two Directors and a new Chair to join our existing Healthwatch Board.

2) Read advice and information on health and social care.

3) Read a range of articles including:  Breast Cancer Awareness Month, Alcohol Awareness Month, information about Adult Social Care, COVID vaccinations for school children, COVID boosters and flu vaccines - and much more!


We are recruiting

We are currently seeking to recruit two Directors and a new Chair to join our existing Healthwatch Brighton and Hove Board.

Board members represent Brighton & Hove residents, and we encourage applications from all sections of our diverse community. All positions are voluntary, and you can find out more by downloading the Role Description and Person Specification on our website. The deadline to apply by is 17th November 2021

Visit our website


Healthwatch shortlisted for two National Awards

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove has been shortlisted for two prestigious national awards which celebrate our volunteer team.

Read more


Patient Transport Services

A year on from our survey on Non-Emergency Patient Transport Services, we take a look at what impact our reports, and your feedback, have had.

Read our report


Dental treatment 

A new Healthwatch guide provides information about seeing a dentist and explains your rights

Access our guides


Flu vaccinations

The NHS in Sussex is reminding people that this year it’s more important than ever for them to have their free flu vaccination.

Read more


COVID boosters

People who are at greater risk from COVID-19 in Brighton and Hove, including over 50s, those with underlying health conditions, carers and health and social care workers are being called forward to receive booster vaccinations to top up their protection ahead of winter. COVID-19 booster vaccinations are being offered to people in the eligible categories if they received their second vaccination 182 days (six months and one week) ago. There are three main ways for eligible people to access their booster vaccination. Read our guide to learn more.


COVID update

In the 7 days up to 22 October (based on data published on 27 October) we had 1232 confirmed new cases of COVID-19 in Brighton & Hove.  This is:

- up 32% on the previous 7 days

- equivalent to a weekly rate of 422.3 per 100,000 residents

- lower than the South East which was 534.8 per 100,000

- lower than the rate for England, which was 481.5 per 100,000 

Positive cases have risen again and this week we’ve seen a rise in all age groups.

We all need to do what we can to stop cases rising further and keep each other feeling safe.

Read more in our bulletin.

Click for more details of vaccinations


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