How to prove your COVID-19 vaccinations ("Vaccine Passport")

Demonstrate your vaccinations against COVID-19 by using the NHS App, or by calling 119.
NHS app


Use the NHS COVID Pass to demonstrate your coronavirus (COVID-19) status when travelling abroad and domestically at events and venues in England.

Click here to read Government advice about COVID vaccine passports


Access the NHS COVID Pass through the NHS App

You can access your NHS COVID Pass through the free NHS App on a mobile device such as a smartphone or tablet. Proof of your COVID-19 status will be shown within the NHS App.

You need to be registered with a GP in England to use the NHS App. If you’re not registered with a GP, you can still access the NHS COVID Pass via the NHS website (NHS.UK) or via 119 (select the ‘NHS COVID Pass service’) to request a letter.

We recommend that you register with the app before booking international travel. For access via the NHS App you do not need to contact your GP.

In the NHS App, your COVID-19 status includes a 2D barcode. The expiry date does not apply to your vaccination status. Any expiry date refers only to the barcode and will update automatically each time you go into the NHS App.

Access the NHS COVID Pass through the NHS website

You can view your COVID-19 status online and download or print it as a PDF document. To access the service, you’ll need to register for an NHS login if you do not have one already. NHS login registrations may take longer than usual when there are high numbers of requests.

Access the NHS COVID Pass via the NHS website


Request an NHS COVID Pass letter to be posted to you

Request a letter only if you:

  • have been fully vaccinated by the NHS in England

  • are planning to travel in the next 4 weeks to a country that requires evidence of COVID-19 vaccination

You can obtain an NHS COVID Pass at age 16 plus but do not need one to access venues or events in England if you are under 18 years of age.

You can request an NHS COVID Pass letter:

  • via the NHS website
  • by calling 119 (select the ‘NHS COVID Pass service’) if you do not have access to a smartphone, computer or tablet

If you’re overseas, call +44 151 905 0119 to access the NHS COVID Pass service. You’ll be charged according to your carrier’s rates.

We expect the letter to take up to 5 working days to reach you.

If you’ve had a COVID-19 booster vaccination

You’ll start to see your booster vaccination in the NHS COVID Pass from 19 November. You’ll be able to demonstrate that you’ve received a booster vaccination using the NHS COVID Pass via the NHS App and the NHS.UK website.


Please do not telephone your GP Practice to ask about the vaccine passport as they are unable to provide vaccine passports and it’s essential we leave phone lines free for people who need medical assistance.

Please note that the NHS App is separate to the NHS COVID-19 App, which is used for contact tracing.

Get the NHS app

If you need help proving your vaccine status

The Vaccine Data Resolution Service (VDRS) has been set up to help people with missing or incorrect vaccination records.

If you have been vaccinated in England, have a current NHS number and are registered with a GP practice in England then the service can help resolve issues with evidence of your vaccinations.

If you have missing or incorrect COVID-19 vaccination data, please call 119 and ask the call handler to make a referral to the VDRS team on your behalf. The VDRS team will then call you back within 5 working days.

Please note they cannot provide clinical advice and cannot assist at this time with queries related to vaccinations received overseas. If the query relates to personal information that is incorrect on a patient record (e.g. name, address), these will still need to be resolved by their GP practice.

You can read more: 

Translated versions

Read translated versions about what the NHS COVID Pass letter tells you.

Easy read

Read an easy-read guide about what the NHS COVID Pass letter tells you.

Braille and large print

You can get a Braille or large print version of the NHS COVID Pass letter via the NHS website or by calling 119 (select the ‘NHS COVID Pass service’).

Audio format

You can get an audio version of the NHS COVID Pass letter via the NHS website or by calling 119.

British Sign Language (BSL)

Watch a video about the NHS COVID Pass letter in BSL, not including personal details.

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