Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19 (27.7.21)

Welcome to our Healthwatch bulletin. This includes an update on the COVID-19 vaccination programme and our regular bulletin on health, social care and COVID data.

This month, you can read about the work of our team and volunteers over the past month, and meet our new Directors and member of our staffing team. Sophie, one of new Board members has written an article about living well with dementia.

Our next public engagement meeting is on Monday October 18th, 2-3pm. For more details, please contact

As well as links to the articles shown below, you can find further information on:

how to join an event to help you access and get the most from digital consultations,

a new Mental Health Lived Experience Expert Group that is being created,

the Take Part festival (which celebrates active living),

an opportunity to take part in two research studies (on psychosis and NHS virtual consultation services), and

a reminder about the National NHS Data Opt-Out scheme. 

Healthwatch report: our insight highlights pressures on GPs and A&E

Healthwatch in Sussex has published a report that shares its insight on the pressures being faced by local health services across the county. 

Our report draws together findings from 20 publications and data sources and highlights increased demands on GP practices and Emergency Departments (A&E) in recent months.

Healthwatch has made seven recommendations that respond to these issues.

Healthwatch will work with Commissioners to co-design messages which GP practices can use on their websites and on phone messages.

Read our report

Updated Dental advice

We have updated our webpage on NHS Dentistry. This contains new advice and patient leaflets.

Please visit our webpage for more information, or contact us –

Visit our webpage

Healthwatch England report on GP appointments

Healthwatch England has launched updated advice to help you get the most from your GP appointment. You can access this advice here

If you would like to know more about the questions you can ask your doctor to get the most out of your consultation, take a look at take a look at the comprehensive list developed by NHS Choices. 

This advice follows publication of the national GP Patient Survey. The survey asked over two million people about their experiences of GP practices from January-April 2021.

Read the advice

New mental health access standards

The NHS England is set to introduce five new waiting time guarantees in mental health services.  The NHS is consulting on the new standards, which have been piloted by mental health providers in collaboration with acute NHS trusts.

Click here to comment on the standards

Quick survey about vaccines

The NHS want to understand what it has been like for people to receive their vaccination; particularly if anyone has experienced difficulties accessing their appointment and what we could do to support people to access their vaccinations.  

Please complete their survey to help them understand your views on the vaccine by 30 July 2021. It should take 5 minutes to complete.

Take the survey

Your patient data - changes to the NHS opt out scheme 

NHS Digital has recently issued new plans to increase protection and strengthen security for GP data collection programme. Patient data will no longer be collected from 1 September, and this will only commence once three tests have been met. These changes will provide patients with more choice and opportunity to opt in and out of data sharing flexibly and bolster data privacy.

Read more here

Your patient data - changes to the NHS opt out scheme 

NHS Digital has recently issued new plans to increase protection and strengthen security for GP data collection programme. Patient data will no longer be collected from 1 September, and this will only commence once three tests have been met. These changes will provide patients with more choice and opportunity to opt in and out of data sharing flexibly and bolster data privacy.

Read more here

New National Disability Strategy

The Government has launched a National Disability Strategy which sets out the government’s vision to improve the everyday lives of disabled people.

This link includes versions in Easyread, Large Print and BSL. If you would like a Braille or audio version of the National Disability Strategy, or an accessible format that is not listed in the Documents section, email or phone 0800 1 95 95 96.

Read more about the strategy

Become a Community Ambassador

Are you part of a diverse ethnic community in Sussex? Do you want to make a difference to your community? Are you interested in health and social care? Would you like to meet new people, learn new skills and get valuable work experience?

Sussex Health and Care Partnership (SHCP) are looking for volunteers to be Community Ambassadors for Diverse Ethnic Communities and help change future NHS and social care services in Sussex.

Click here to learn more

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