Conversations about End of Life: What's important to you? (Webinar)

A webinar held in May openly discussed end of life care. Healthwatch Brighton and Hove and Local Healthwatch across Sussex, held a webinar on Wednesday, 12th May, 12.00 pm – 2.00 pm, to openly discuss this sensitive and difficult issue.
Hands grasping with supportive words like "connect"

The key themes that came out of the webinar were: 

  1. Patients want to govern their own end of life journey. 
  2. Patients want the right to choose. 
  3. Patients are individual people. 
  4. Patients want to be treated with dignity and compassion. 
  5. Patients want good quality of care. 

“It is so important to share with loved ones what you, the patient, really want, because one day they may have to advocate on your behalf."

Prof Bobbie Farsides - Brighton and Sussex Medical School

"The key issues here are about people as people."

Fran McCabe - Healthwatch Brighton and Hove


You can download the full write-up here as well as the report "A Good Send off - One Year On", but if you need it in a different format, please contact us at:

01273 234 041

Write-up - End of Life Webinar
Report - A Good Send Off - One Year On

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