Quiet COVID-19 Vaccination Session at The Brighton Centre - Sunday 2nd May

Sussex Community NHS Foundation Trust is pleased to be able to offer a dedicated ‘Quiet COVID-19 Vaccination Session’ for people requiring their first dose COVID vaccination.

The details are:

WHEN:           Sunday 2nd May, 4.20pm – 7.20pm

WHERE:        The Brighton Centre, Kings Road, Brighton, BN1 2GR

BOOK:            By calling or texting Lilly from the Public Involvement Team on 07443 770 754. If there is no response please leave a voicemail or text and we will call you back.

What is the session?

This Quiet Session is being offered to people living in Sussex who are currently eligible for the vaccine and over the age of 18 who may need more time for their appointment, or who have extra access needs where a quieter and calmer environment would help support them to receive their vaccination.  This includes:

  • People with learning disabilities
  • People who are autistic
  • People living with a neurodiverse condition
  • People living with a Dementia and/or Alzheimer’s

You can also book your carer in at the same time if they need their first vaccination dose too.

The Quiet Session at the Brighton Centre will offer:

  • Fewer appointments, so less people will be there during the session
  • Longer appointments to give you more time
  • 1:1 nursing care for everyone receiving their vaccination
  • The entire appointment will be on the ground floor
  • Everyone will be offered the Moderna vaccine, so you must be over 18 years old
  • Free transport for anyone who needs it (see below for details)

An Easyread guide is available at the end of this article.

What will happen when I arrive at the Quiet Session?

  • A nurse (who will also have an assistant) will greet each patient at the entrance and support them through the Centre to a quiet and private Vaccination area. 
  • All staff will be wearing clear visors so you can see their faces, which will also help those who need to lip read.
  • They will take you through all aspects of the process on a 1:1 basis, including clinical assessment and vaccination.
  • We will only use the downstairs of the Brighton Centre and have both the entrance and exit on the seafront side of the building.
  • Each person can bring a carer who can be present throughout their journey.  Your carer can also have their first vaccination booked at the same time if they haven’t already received it.
  • There will only be 40 appointments being offered, which allows us to give you much more time for your vaccination (up to 20 minutes) and have one nurse per patient to support you throughout.

Booking Information

Bookings can be made by phone to the local NHS Public Involvement Team on 07443 770 754, who will take relevant details and pass on any additional information to the vaccination team to make the journey on the day as smooth as possible.  This includes:

  • Your name and contact details
  • Your date of birth
  • Your age (you must be over 18 years old and eligible for the vaccine to access this session)
  • Your NHS number, if you know this
  • Your GP name and practice
  • Your ethnicity
  • If you have capacity to consent
  • Emergency contact details
  • Your personal access requirements, and anything you want to let the vaccination team know in advance to help support you in the best way they can on the day.

Free Transport available to people booked onto the Quiet Vaccination Session

If you need support with transport to get to the Brighton Centre for your appointment during the Quiet Session, we will let you know how to arrange this after you have booked your appointment with our travel team.

A travel coordinator will ask you a few questions, and will help arrange for you to have a safe COVID-secure journey to the Brighton Centre for all Sussex residents.

If you’re able to travel to the Brighton Centre yourself:

The Brighton Centre is accessible by public transport and there are a number of public car parks nearby.

Anyone receiving their COVID-19 vaccination at the Brighton Centre will be entitled to one hour’s free parking in the Churchill Square Orange Car Park. Please follow these instructions to claim your hour’s free parking while you have your vaccination:

  • Park in the orange car park (Churchill 1), which is located in Regency Road East, BN1 2RU. The vehicle height restriction is 2.13 meters
  • Enter the car park via lane 1 (left hand lane)
  • On arrival take a ticket from the car park barrier
  • Explain to the Churchill Square Security Officer that you are attending the Brighton Centre for a COVID-19 vaccination. You will need to provide proof of vaccination appointment for that day (showing the confirmation you have received on your phone is fine).
  • The security officer will then validate your ticket.
  • The 1 hour/60mins free parking begins from the minute you enter the car park. Any additional parking will be charged at normal rates.

Have any questions or queries?

If you have a question about the Quiet Session on Sunday 2nd May at the Brighton Centre, you can call our Public Involvement Team on 07443 770 754.  Please leave a voicemail or text if there is no response and someone will get back to you as soon as they can.

Also, you can view more information about the vaccination programme on our website, including details of the services available in each arealatest data, answers to frequently asked questions and links to all the national leaflets and materials.  Visit https://www.sussexhealthandcare.uk/keepsussexsafe/sussex-covid-19-vaccination-programme/ to find out more.


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