Vaccine Inequity Small Grants Scheme

Below, you will find attached details of, and application form for, the Vaccine Inequity Small Grants Scheme.
Small grants

If you have any questions, please contact

Antonia Bennett, Public Involvement Lead, 

Please send completed submissions to Jane Lodge

More details, and the application form, can be found at the bottom of this page.

All applications must be received by 31st May 2021.

Aim of the small grants scheme

To help support the increase of vaccination uptake, small grants will be offered to assist with neighbourhood based activity, across communities of interest or relating to people particularly at risk of serious illness if they contract COVID-19.

The types of activities that may be eligible are:

  • Development of community based communications
  • Hyper local buddying schemes to support people in accessing vaccination
  • Targeted work with local groups to increase awareness of facts about vaccine and dispel myths
  • Making community based videos and distributing appropriately

(The above are examples- innovative approaches are welcomed.)


Targeted communities and groups

Applications are invited from those working to support any of the following:

  • South Asian Communities
  • Black African communities
  • Chinese communities
  • People living in identified areas of deprivation
  • Adults with learning disabilities
  • Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities
  • Those with physical or sensory disabilities
  • Those who are clinically vulnerable or who live with long term health issues

For groups outside of the above list, applications are also welcome; however you will be asked to provide information/insight on these groups/communities having a lower than average uptake of vaccination.