Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19 (12.2.21)

Welcome to our Healthwatch bulletin.This week we have provided an update on the COVID-19 vaccination programme, a guide to staying healthy, and our regular bulletin on health, social care and COVID.
A doctor smiling in a hospital

COVID -19 Vaccination roll out

Across Sussex, we remain on track to meet the target to have vaccinated nearly everyone in the top 4 priority groups by mid-February.  

  • Over 375,000 doses of the COVID-19 vaccination have been delivered. 100,911 people over the age of 80 in Sussex have received their first dose. This is the fourth highest total in England and all the more impressive in the context that Sussex has one of the highest over 80s populations in the country.
  • By 7th February, 90% of over 80s had received their first dose, along with around 80% of the 70-79 year old population. 
  • In addition, over 130,000 people under the age of 70 have been vaccinated, including clinically extremely vulnerable people and eligible health and social care workers.

To ensure everyone has been offered the opportunity to have the jab, people aged 70 and over and those who are clinically extremely vulnerable, who have not yet been vaccinated and who would like to, are now able to contact the national booking service directly to arrange an appointment.
People can go online - or call 119.

Our bulletin on health and social care, and COVID-19 provides updates on:

- a special report on dentistry which follows our earlier press release issued this week. Healthwatch is aware that many people are experiencing difficulties finding an NHS dentist. This is a national problem and pressure is being put on NHS England to do more.  We have also produced an updated guide for patients.

- a reminder about our next care home webinar which takes place on Wednesday 24th February. The webinar is for relatives/family carers with loved ones in Care Homes.  This webinar will focus on the impact of long-term restricted visiting/separation from loved ones. There is still time to register for this event.

- a reminder of our Young Healthwatch survey on mental health for young people, 

- data on confirmed COVID cases in our City.


You can download the bulletin here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: 


Health and social care, and COVID bulletin
COVID vaccination bulletin
Healthy lifestyle advice

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