Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19 (5.2.21)

This week we have provided three bulletins:
1. An update on the COVID-19 vaccination programme.
2. A guide for carers, and the vaccination programme.
3. Our regular bulletin on health, social care and COVID
Old person holding hands

Across Sussex, we remain on track to meet the target to have vaccinated nearly everyone in the top 4 priority groups by mid-February.  

Over 280,000 people in  Sussex have been vaccinated, including over 85% of people aged 80+. 

People who are clinically extremely vulnerable, and those aged 70 and over are also being vaccinated. 

Those who are housebound are now being contacted to receive their vaccinations in their homes.

Our bulletin on health and social care, and COVID-19 provides updates on:

- our next care home webinar which takes place on Wednesday 24th February. The webinar is for relatives/family carers with loved ones in Care Homes.  This webinar will focus on the impact of long-term restricted visiting/separation from loved ones. There is still time to register for this event.

- details of a new survey on mental health for young people, and information about Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week.

- Guidance for people who are shielding.

- New guidance on 'long-COVID'.

- 3 surveys for you to feed your views into.

-  An opportunity to join Brighton & Hove Healthwalk’s fantastic new World Walking challenge.

- data on confirmed COVID cases in our City.


You can download the bulletin here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: 


Health and social care, and COVID bulletin
COVID vaccination bulletin
Carers and COVID vaccinations

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