Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19 (15.1.21)

Welcome to our Healthwatch bulletin, providing you with updates on Health, Social Care, and COVID-19
Virus image

COVID-19 - vaccine

A reminder that we have created a dedicated webpage on the Healthwatch Brighton and Hove website which is being regularly updated. Further information on the roll-out is provided in this bulletin.

We have been answering questions about the vaccine and roll-out and hope that you have found our advice helpful. If you have a question, or would like to share your experience of having the vaccine, please email us at


The number of confirmed cases of Covid-19 in Brighton & Hove has more than doubled since the current national lockdown started on 26th December. And numbers of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Brighton & Hove continue to increase. As of 14th January, the total number of confirmed cases across the city stood at 10,902.

Read more about the increase in cases in our bulletin

Local services

The Sussex Health and Care Partnership has issued a statement on their website about NHS and care services across the county.

You will have most likely seen media reports that The Royal Sussex County Hospital in Brighton has reported that all 66 of its critical care beds are full amid a surge in coronavirus cases with some media speculating that the hospital has ‘run out of beds’.

We thought it might be useful and reassuring for you to read the statement from Brighton and Sussex University Hospital Trust.  

Read more in our bulletin.


COVID, health and social care bulletin
COVID-19 vaccination bulletin

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