Press Release: Launch of Healthwatch in Sussex reports examining peoples' experiences of local Patient Transport Services

Healthwatch in Sussex has published a series of reports which indicate high levels of satisfaction amongst people who have used Non-Emergency Transport Services, but which sets out how they could and should be improved.
Graphic, Turquoise Colour, Ambulance Side View, Central Alignment

Throughout September 2020 we engaged with patients and passengers who use the current service, or had applied for it. We have produced two reports which detail our findings. We also undertook a review of over 30 publications on the operation and commissioning of Non-emergency Patient Transport Services in Sussex, as well as nationally.

The local service is due to be re-commissioned next year, which represents an opportunity to rectify aspects of the service which are currently letting patients down, but also to improve and modernise the service and to ensure that past commissioning errors are not repeated.

"One of the most basic issues people face is travelling to and from health appointments.

It is welcome news that patients, particularly renal patients, have reported high satisfaction with most aspects of the service. But further efforts are needed to correct deficiencies: patients should experience timely pick-ups from hospital, and be routinely notified of changes, or delays, to their transport.

Crucially, patients have also told us what changes they would like to see made to the current service specification and Commissioners should aim to incorporate these in the new contract specification.

The findings from our patient engagement and review of literature should form a vital component in the process of refreshing the service specification and ensuring that NHS Commissioners are able to commission a robust and responsive service going forward.

Healthwatch in Sussex welcome the CCG’s engagement with us on this important work and we will work closely with them to deliver a successful new contract.”

— Healthwatch in Sussex

For further help and advice and to escalate issues of concern contact:

David Liley, Chief Officer, Healthwatch Brighton and Hove

07931 755343


You can download the press release here, but if you need it in a different format, please contact us at:

01273 234 041

To access our reports please click here

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