Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19

Welcome to another Healthwatch Health, Social Care and COVID-19 Bulletin for the 20th November 2020
Virus image

The lockdown restrictions will remain in place until midnight on 2 December.

From Wednesday 2 December, Brighton & Hove will be in Tier 2, high alert.

  1. No household mixing indoors
  2. The rule of six outdoors
  3. Work from home if possible and limit travel
  4. Pubs and restaurants shut at 11pm, and last service by 10pm
  5. Alcohol to only be served as part of a substantial meal
  6. Personal service businesses, for example hairdressing is allowed

The Brighton & Hove City Council website will be updated with details of all of the Tier 2 guidelines. But for more information please visit


You can download the bulletin here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: