November Lockdown Information

Prime Minister has announced new national restrictions from Thursday, everyone must stay at home, with a limited set of exemptions.
Coronavirus outbreak FAQs: Frequently asked questions on what you can and cannot do during the coronavirus outbreak.
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The Government’s new national restrictions came into effect today, Thursday 5 November. The Government has suspended the Local Alert Level system while the new national restrictions are in place.

It will be difficult for all of us to enter lockdown again, but it gives us an opportunity to drive down rates of infection in the city.

In the seven days up to 30 October (based on data published on 4 November) we had 408 confirmed new COVID-19 cases in Brighton & Hove. This is an 8% reduction compared to the previous seven day period, however the rates remain too high. The full data is published in detail on our website so I will not go into detail here.

The new national restrictions gives us an opportunity to slow the spread.  Our goal is to turn this situation around and drive down rates of transmission in the city so that we are in a much better place by the end of the four week period. To do this we all need to stick to the national guidelines.

In addition:

  • If you experience any Covid related symptoms – even if they are very mild - please self-isolate, along with your household members, and apply for a test immediately.
  • Closely follow the self-isolation guidelines to stop the virus infecting more people.
  • Respond to NHS Test and Trace if they contact you to help break the chain of transmission.
  • Kind regards

Alistair Hill

Director of Public Health

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