Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19

Welcome to another Healthwatch Health, Social Care and COVID-19 Bulletin for the 16th October 2020
Virus image

The current alert level in Brighton & Hove is MEDIUM.

We are at a tipping point, but we can turn this around if we all play our part. Cases are rising among adults of all ages, not just young people, and students. To slow the virus, we all need to step up physical distancing, wear face coverings where advised, limit contact between households and follow the ‘rule of six’. More information on the current situation is given in our COVID bulletin at the bottom of the page. 

What our bulletin also contains: 

Your Healthwatch

  1. David Liley, CEO of Healthwatch Brighton and Hove interviewed by Meridian news on COVID. 
  2. You can now read are full report about: Accessing health and care services – findings during the Coronavirus pandemic

Health and Social Care Updates

  1. Flu vaccination - every year flu kills people and hospitalises many more. Therefore, this year more than ever it is important to go and get your flu jab 
  2. Help shape the future of your hospitals - As our Trusts prepare for merger, they want to gather the views of our staff, patients, and partners. They have created a survey to collect feedback on the vision, values, and name of the future organisation as well as the hopes and concerns people might have. We hope you will respond to the survey and share the link with your networks.
  3. Care Quality Commission’s State of Care report
  4. Help Us Help You - New NHS booklet
  5. Mental Health support
  6. NHS ‘Test & Trace’ app – DOWNLOAD TODAY
  7. The Big Debate: mental health - The NHS and local authorities in Sussex would like to know about your experiences of health and care during the COVID-19 pandemic, so that they can improve the way services are provided in the future.
  8. Black History Month - The Sussex Health and Care Partnership (SHCP) BAME Disparity Programme have planned a range of activities across Sussex for October with a call to action that asks people to use this opportunity to further reduce disparities and inequalities for Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic (BAME) Communities in Sussex.

Resources, advice, and information

  1. Autism research and practice - A new initiative, ACoRNSussex (Autism Community Research Network Sussex, @acornsussex, is being set up with the aim of improving the lives of autistic children and adults, their families and support workers in education, health and social care across Sussex.
  2. Mental health – training
  3. Money Advice Plus


You can download the bulletin here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: 


Health and Social Care update
COVID-19 update

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