Launch of enhanced NHS 111 service

People who call 111 – free from mobiles or landlines 24/7 – or access the service via will speak to call handlers and/or healthcare professionals who will be able to assess symptoms over the phone, issue prescriptions and directly book people into onward care appointments if they need one.
The lead provider, South East Coast Ambulance Service NHS Foundation Trust (SECAmb) is working in conjunction with not-for-profit social enterprise Integrated Care 24 (IC24) to deliver the enhanced service.
The new five-year contract was awarded in August 2019.
The launch of the contract and clinical assessment service is the first of several enhancements via the NHS 111 service for patients across Kent, Medway and Sussex.
Over the coming months, NHS111 will integrate more closely with SECAmb’s 999 service and existing out-of-hours care, including providing access to evening and weekend GP appointments, home visiting services, minor injury units, urgent treatment centres and A&E departments. Across the NHS, by the end of the year, patients will also be booked a timeslot at Emergency Departments if this is deemed the most appropriate service to help and support them.
For more information visit the Brighton and Hove Clinical Commissioning Group website