Healthwatch Bulletin - Health, Social Care and COVID-19

Welcome to another Healthwatch Health, Social Care and COVID-19 Bulletin for the 18th September 2020

The current alert level in Brighton & Hove is yellow. This means, confirmed cases of COVID-19 are increasing on our city.

There are links at the bottom of the page to the Brighton and Hove Council and the Government website which has more information 

This is highlights of what the bulletin contains. Please click the download at the bottom to read the full bulletin

Your Healthwatch

  • Patient Transport survey – EXTENDED CLOSING DATE

Healthwatch in Sussex want to hear about your experiences of using Patient Transport Services, and ideas for how the service might be improved. This Service takes you to your medical appointments, and home again.

Take the Survey

  • COVID-19: David Liley, CEO of Healthwatch on BBC Radio Sussex
  • COVID-19: What people are telling us. A Healthwatch England report

Health and social care updates

  • Flu vaccination clinics across Brighton and Hove are underway this September and the NHS is encouraging anyone who is eligible for a free flu vaccination to book an appointment with their GP or pharmacist, as soon as they receive an invitation.

Which service do I need?

  • The NHS is still here for you if you need it. If you do need care, please choose well to prevent extra pressure on our services.

The Big Health and Care (socially distanced) Conversation: Carers

  • As part of the Big Health and Care (Socially Distancing) conversation, the CCG are calling on the public and local community groups to help play a key role in helping them understand people’s experiences of care during the COVID-19 crisis

Do you have a learning disability? Don't miss out on your free annual health check

  • Speak to your GP practice receptionist about being added to the Learning Disability Register.
  • Your GP practice will send an appointment for your Annual Health Check.
  • At your health check, a Doctor or a Nurse will talk to you about staying healthy and you will have time to talk about anything that is worrying you.

NHS Volunteer Responder programme is looking for new volunteers in Brighton and Hove

  • The @NHSVolResponder programme is looking for new volunteers in Brighton and Hove to support the local community and protect the NHS as we approach our first COVID-19 winter.


  • Brighton and Hove City Council have introduced an escalation framework, using a traffic light system – from green to yellow, amber and red - to keep everyone in the city up to date about the current rate of confirmed cases of COVID-19 in Brighton & Hove and how they can help to prevent the spread of infection.
  • The current alert level in Brighton & Hove is yellow. This means, confirmed cases are increasing. Read our bulletin for more information 


You can download the bulletin here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: 



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