Mental Health Awareness Week 2020

Now more than ever, looking after our own mental health, and loved ones, friends, neighbours and employees is so important. The theme of Mental Health Awareness Week this year is Kindness.
Blue microphone to the left hand side, Speak Up in white writing centrally aligned

Mental Health Impacts everyone

We all experience good, bad and indifferent days. Many things affect how we feel: the weather, loneliness or isolation, boredom, our physical health, stress, financial concerns, and much more. But support is available during these challenging times. Taking time out of your day to focus on how you, or those around you, are feeling is never wasted. And you can't always tell how someone is feeling just by looking - so just ask. 

MIND is a fantastic resource

Each week Mind in Brighton & Hove share weekly wellbeing tips that include local and national initiatives, activities and simple ideas to maintain and improve your wellbeing during this challenging time. 

What the Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust has been doing:

Is working hard to help and support those in our community who may be struggling. They have also shared some top tips and useful resources to help you look after your health and wellbeing.

What we have been doing:

  • We published an article about things you can do to help your mental health which is linked at the bottom of this page. It contains links to online exercises for all ages and abilities.
  • The NHS recognises the positive impacts which exercising can have on mood. With an easing on lockdown announced last week you can now:

- spend more time outdoors
- exercise as often as you wish
- visit some outdoor sports facilities

  • But please keep 2m apart from those not in your household.
  • Our Council has published information on what you can do and where.

If you need more mental health support the NHS has published som advice to help 

If you or other household members feel low, anxious or stressed, there is information that can help on the NHS Every Mind Matters website. This also includes specific advice on the impact of coronavirus.

While it is normal to feel afraid and lonely at a time like this, worsening mental health could indicate the need for outside help.

Key Resources

Sussex Mental Healthline – freephone 0300 5000 101 – provides 24/7 support from registered clinicians. As well as crisis support it provides psychological support to anyone with general concerns about their mental health, and if needed they can refer you for local assessment and treatment.

Community Roots – online or freephone 0808 196 1768 – a network of local services committed to supporting good mental health and wellbeing in Brighton & Hove.

Samaritans – call 116 123 – 24hrs a day, 365 days a year.

Support for children and young people

  • If your child is of school age and you have any concerns about their emotional or mental wellbeing, you’re invited to talk to a Primary Mental Health Worker from the Schools Wellbeing Service.
  • Telephone consultations are available while schools are closed. Please email or call 01273 293 481.

Get support for yourself or others in Brighton & Hove

  • Advice on supporting your mental wellbeing is available on the Council website.
  • If you, or someone you know, is finding things tough right now, whether it's food, money, wellbeing or loneliness, you can search for support for all ages on the Covid Brighton & Hove help directory.
  • Vulnerable people who have no-one to help them at the moment can also request additional COVID-19 related support, including emergency food bank referrals, shopping and medicine collection by contacting the council’s community advice and support hub

Thinking about your physical health

  • Your NHS is there for you
  • Concerns around your physical health can also impact your mental wellbeing.  
  • Healthwatch encourages anyone to access NHS services for non-coronavirus medical issues when they have an urgent medical need or have been instructed to. 
  • There is some concern that some people are not seeking early help for conditions such as heart disease, stroke, cancer and mental health issues, they will experience poorer health and that their conditions may be more difficult to treat.
  • Please, don't delay in seeking help.

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