Provide comments on the Sussex Health and Care Plan by 8 November

You are invited to provide comments on a draft of the Sussex Health and Care Plan. The deadline to do so is 8 November. 
sussex health and care partnership

What is the Plan?
The aim of the Sussex Health and Care Plan is to improve lives, extend lives and save lives by focusing on keeping people healthier for longer and giving our local populations the right care, in the right place at the right time.

The plan is a response to the ever-changing local health and care needs of our populations and the national ambitions and expectations set out in the NHS Long Term Plan.

The plan includes commitments to change how our health and care organisations work together, transform patient pathways, address our financial deficit, address our workforce gap and deliver the significant number of initiatives included within the Long Term Plan.

How has it been developed?
The plan has been developed across local health and care partners over the last nine months with the involvement and input of partners, clinicians, specialists, health and care professionals, staff, and the public. It is a continuation of the work that has already taken place over the last few years to improve and join-up health and care services.

What is its purpose?
The purpose of the plan is to bring real benefits to the lives of our populations, through:

  • Improved, equitable access to high quality, safe and joined-up care.
  • Greater access to health and care professionals with the most appropriate skills for people’s specific needs.
  • Health and care being tailored in a more personalised way at home, or as close to home as possible.
  • People being better supported to improve their own health and wellbeing.
  • Better availability of non-clinical solutions that will keep people healthier for longer.
  • Easier interactions with health and care services through technology.
  • Greater joined-up support for people with multiple health conditions.
  • Better support to people in care homes to ensure safe and high quality care.

How will the plan be delivered?

The Sussex Health and Care Plan will be delivered through three local plans across Brighton and Hove, West Sussex and East Sussex. A significant amount of public engagement has taken place to inform and help shape the plans and a large amount of this has already collated and incorporated into the working draft.

What next?
The current document will be changed, strengthened and improved over the next few weeks before it is finally submitted to the NHS.  The final document is expected to be published on 2 December.

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