NHS 111 Online

NHS 111 online allows patients to get urgent healthcare online. It also helps to manage increasing demand on 111 telephone services.
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How 111 online works

The online service is now available across England.

People visit 111.nhs.uk, enter their age, sex, postcode and main symptom and are then asked a series of questions about their health problem. 

They can: 

  • Find out how to get the right healthcare in their area, including whether they need to see a GP or seek urgent care
  • Get advice on self-care
  • In most areas, get a call back from a nurse, doctor or other trained health professional if they need it

Benefits of 111 online

111 online is a fast and convenient alternative to the 111 phone service and provides an option for people who want to access 111 digitally. 

It is one of several digital NHS services that are empowering people to manage their own health and care.

Click here to find out more information 

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