Healthy Living Pharmacies

Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLPs) are dedicated to health promotion, self-care and reducing health inequalities. It might save you a trip to your GP or A&E. Chat to a trained pharmacist and get advice.
Male pharmacist serving a female customer

What are they?

Healthy Living Pharmacies (HLP) is an agreement for pharmacies to be a part of.

It recognises the significant role community pharmacies can play in helping reduce health inequalities by delivering consistent and high quality health and wellbeing services, promoting health and providing proactive health advice and interventions.

What do they do?

You can contact them and chat to a trained pharmacist and get advice. 

The role of HLPs is to:

  • provide a dedicated health promotion service within the pharmacy.
  • signpost to services in NHS and Local Authority and also encourage appropriate use of Urgent care services
  • help target health inequalities and support vulnerable groups of patients.


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