Launch of our Annual Report 2018
Dee Simpson – Mayor of Brighton and Hove – hosted the event in the Mayor’s Parlour at Brighton Town Hall on the 12th July. On hand to receive the report was a special guest, Imelda Redmond, the Director of Healthwatch England.
This is always an opportunity to highlight and thank our volunteers for the work they do and this year we had a great deal to celebrate. 25-30% of our recommendations are being converted into service improvements within six months of the reports being published. Our representative volunteers are covering dozens of decision-making forums giving local people and patients a voice in how services are planned, commissioned and delivered.
The successful launch was followed by a number of visits carried out by Imelda. On Friday 13th she accompanied our Chair, Fran McCabe, in a visit to the Royal Sussex County Hospital. They joined Healthwatch Volunteers in one of our monthly Environmental Care Reviews and visited a number of wards. In the afternoon, Imelda and Fran joined Young Healthwatch volunteers on an i360 flight. Volunteer tickets were kindly donated by Brighton and Hove Council.
You can download the report here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: