Welcome to our new Board Member, Christine D’Cruz

Healthwatch is delighted to welcome Christine D’Cruz to the Board.
Image of new board member, Christine DCruz

"My background is working with large complex organisations including financial services, energy and central government. I play an active role in the Brighton community and retired in July from being a trustee at Martlets Hospice after 10 years.

I’m also Chair of SameSky, that delivers The Children’s Parade and Burning the Clocks in Brighton, and Trustee at South East Dance, where we are building a new dance space in Circus Street.

My past roles have included Founding Chair of the Basement Arts Productions now Sick Festival, Governor at Cardinal Newman School, member of the Brighton and Hove Economic Partnership, member of the Economic Development and Enterprise Board.

I’m looking forward to working with Healthwatch Brighton and Hove to help give my community a voice on how hospitals, GP practices, dentists, health and social care services are designed, managed and delivered. As a professional marketer understanding the needs of ‘customers’, patients and citizens, is the key to improving service.

There will be a great deal for me to learn and understand about the needs of our community and how the health and social care services meet those needs. Please support me on my learning journey."

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