Survey for NHS patients and carers or family members

A new survey for NHS patients and carers or family members is available.
Graphic image, Survey with happy, sad, mutual faces, hand ticking happy face

This survey is for NHS patients and carers or family members. It is part of the ongoing Development of the Patient Safety Incident Management System (DPSIMS) project, which seeks to replace the systems currently used nationally in the NHS to report and learn from things that go wrong (including the National Reporting and Learning System [NRLS]).

This is separate from local complaints processes and PALS teams.

The survey builds on previous stakeholder engagement over the past 3 years. The results of this survey will be used to:

  • help us understand how the public want to use national systems for learning from errors;
  • help us plan further engagement with patients and carers, and;
  • help us prioritise which parts of the system we should start prototyping first.

It should take no more than 20 minutes to complete.


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