After many years providing excellent service at the Ridgeway Surgery, Doctors Fahmy and Baker have decided to give up their contract to provide medical services at the Ridgeway Surgery.
Brighton and Hove Clinical commissioning Group hope that in the lead up to the practice closing, these frequently asked questions can provide the answers to any concerns you may have. They have been developed from all of the feedback Ridgeway patients have kindly provided since 11 July 2017.
Are the GPs retiring?
Doctors Fahmy and Baker are planning for their future. From November, they will be exploring other options within the area and may choose to work in other surgeries in the future. However, they have decided to terminate their contract to provide GP services at the Ridgeway Surgery
I have heard that Dr Baker will be moving to Woodingdean Medical Centre. Can I move with him?
We are aware that Dr Baker is in conversation with Woodingdean Medical Centre about the potential to become a salaried doctor there, however we have received no confirmation that this will definitely be going ahead. If Dr Baker does become employed at the Woodingdean Medical Centre, he will be able to see patients who are registered at that practice.
What will happen to patients and their medical care next?
A decision was taken on 8 August 2017 to decide this.
The decision by the CCG was taken that an open list dispersal will take place. This means that patients will be able to choose which surgery they register with, dependent on which boundary areas they live in.
A patient letter will be sent out by the first week of September, and this will inform patients of the date from which the local surgeries will be accepting new patients, and how to register.
Will I be able to get appointments at the Ridgeway Surgery until 31 October?
The Ridgeway Surgery will continue offering routine appointments until 30 September. From 1-31 October, only emergency appointments will be available.
I am worried that my medication will run out after services stop at the Ridgeway Surgery. What should I do?
We kindly ask patients currently registered at the Ridgeway Surgery to ensure that they go to their GP to get an adequate supply of their medications to last the period over the 31 October before they register with their next practice.
We will be working with the Ridgeway Surgery over the next few months to ensure patients are not left without the appropriate supply of medication. For patients requiring regular prescriptions, any future GP will be able to provide this service.
I am not able to drive or use the bus. How will I receive care?
For patients who are housebound or when it is clinically appropriate, home visits will continue to be possible from your future practice.
I have a complex condition and am worried about my continuity of care. What should I do?
If you have a complex condition or are a vulnerable patient, we are already working in collaboration with the Ridgeway Surgery to ensure your records are appropriately detailed and ready for transfer to the next GP you receive care from by 31 October.
If you have particular needs, for example if you are hearing impaired and require receptionists to behave in a way that makes it easier for you to lip-read, please mention it to your doctor at your next appointment at the Ridgeway Surgery and a note can be added to your records for your next GP to be aware of.
I value the variety of services available at the Ridgeway Surgery, such as phlebotomy. Will I still be able to access these after 31 October?
Patients of local surgeries have access to the same range of services, with some providing additional services to the ones at the Ridgeway Surgery.
I find the electronic booking and prescription system useful, as well as the prescription delivery service. Will I still be able to use this?
The practices surrounding the Ridgeway Surgery all participate in this service and you will be able to continue using it regardless of which local surgery you choose to register with. If you currently have your medication delivered, local pharmacies will still be able to provide this service.
I like being able to see the same GP each time I have an appointment as I feel my care is more personal as a result. If the decision is made that patients will be moved to a larger practice, will I still receive personal care?
You will still have a named GP as you do at the Ridgeway Surgery at your next practice, and will retain the right to request that doctor for each appointment. This may result in you having to wait slightly longer to get an appointment, however you can exercise choice in this matter.
What is the role of the Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG) in this?
As the GPs have made the decision to terminate their general medical services contract, we are now responsible for ensuring the termination takes place as smoothly and with as little negative effect to the surgery patient population as possible.
As part of this work to help patients of this surgery, we have held engagement events at the practice to understand how patients feel about this contract termination and what they would prefer to happen next. These views were taken into account as part of our decision-making.
In addition, we are working with practice staff to ensure patients with complex conditions are given appropriate particular care throughout the period of change, and that patients are provided with an adequate supply of medication for that time.