Healthwatch response to Bon Accord care home inspection

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove have been disappointed to see the Bon Accord Care Home in Hove placed into Special Measures following a Care Quality Commission [CQC] inspection.
photograph, side view looking to floor, close up of patient holding zimmer frame

Bon Accord

The home is part of a national group of privately owned care homes run by the Four Seasons Group.

The Bon Accord provides a home to around 30 older people, some with dementia. The inspection took place in February 2017 and the CQC report was published recently. A copy of the full report is available on the CQC website.

This care home was found to be failing in a number of areas:

  • residents were not always given their correct medication
  • correct and prompt care was not provided at all times
  • residents were given insufficient opportunities for social contact and purposeful activity
  • both residents and staff were found to be unhappy, and the manager felt he was not adequately supported by his employers.

These issues of concern had been brought to the attention of the CQC regulators by Brighton and Hove City Council staff and local NHS staff.

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove have not been directly involved in this inspection, but we recognise this as an example of the local social care and health system working well to intervene when standards fall. Inspectors responded to concerns raised by care professionals and stepped in to protect residents and also help the home to improve its standards.

Raising Concerns

Healthwatch around the UK hears frequently from people concerned about the care their relatives are receiving. It also sometimes hears from people working in the social care sector about instances where standards are not maintained, and breaches occur in the provision of personal and dignified care.

We would urge those health professionals working in social care to raise their concerns as soon as possible. All care homes are required to provide internal complaint channels. In addition, the above agencies and organisations can be contacted. It is better to   act and report concerns sooner than later, so that opportunities to help improve care are not missed.

If you are concerned about your own care or the care provided to others there are a number of ways in which you can raise those concerns:

Healthwatch Brighton and Hove contact details are below.

Contact Healthwatch

For general enquiries please contact 

01273 234 040

Press Enquiries

David Liley, Chief Executive 

07931 755 343


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