Let us know how we can helpPlease complete this form and let us know what your issue is, with as much detail as is necessary. We’ll then be in touch with you directly as soon as possible. Thank you. Name Email What type of service is your query about? GP services Dentist Pharmacies Hospital inpatients - overnight treatment Hospital outpatients - day treatment Mental health support Social care (eg, care homes, and home care) Accident and Emergency / Urgent Treatment Centres / minor injury units Ambulances and paramedics NHS 111 Other Please choose the services that you'd like to talk to us about. You can pick more than one. Please tell us which other services your query is about What is the name of the services or organisations your query is about? Such as Royal Sussex County Hospital – Maternity Ward, Brighton Station Medical Centre or Health Visitor, etc. Please tell us about your experience and what you want help with? Give details, including dates and timeline. You may wish to remove any personal information from your feedback, such as names or addresses, etc. Tell us a bit about youIt’s your choice which questions you answer but, by sharing more information about yourself, it helps us better understand how people’s experiences may differ depending on their personal situation. We value any personal insight you feel happy to share with us. And don’t worry – your responses to these questions are saved anonymously and not stored with your request for assistance. How old are you? What gender are you? Woman Intersex Man Non-binary Prefer not to say Not Known Other / Prefer to self-describe (please give details) Please tell us how you self-describe Do you identify as the sex you were assigned at birth? Yes No Prefer not to say Which of the following best describes your sexual orientation? Heterosexual / Straight Lesbian / Gay woman Gay man Bisexual Prefer not to say Prefer to use another term (please give details) Please tell us what term you prefer Do you look after or give unpaid help or support to anyone (as in a Carer)? Yes No Prefer not to say This could be because they have long-term physical or mental health conditions or illnesses, or problems related to old age. Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is expected to last, at least 12 months? Yes, a little Yes, a lot No Prefer not to say How would you describe your ethnic origin? Arab Asian / Asian British: Bangladeshi Asian / Asian British: Chinese Asian / Asian British: Indian Asian / Asian British: Pakistani Asian / Asian British: Any other Asian / Asian British background Black / Black British: African Black / Black British: Caribbean Black / Black British: Any other Black / Black British background Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Asian and White Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Black African and White Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Black Caribbean and White Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups: Any other Mixed / Multiple ethnic groups background White: British / English / Northern Irish / Scottish / Welsh White: Irish White: Gypsy, Traveller or Irish Traveller White: Roma White: Any other White background Prefer not to say Additional Details: Are you a refugee or asylum seeker? No Yes - I have been recognised as a refugee by the UK government Yes - I am seeking asylum Prefer not to say Do you consider yourself to be "Seldom heard"? Yes No Prefer not to say The term "seldom heard" refers to people who may feel they are less likely to be heard by professionals and decision-makers. For example: people who are disabled or have learning disabilitiesblack or asian peoplepeople who live in deprivationtravellers, asylum seekers or refugees PermissionsWe use people’s stories in our campaigns, as lived experience is the best way to show what needs changing. We share stories with the press and media and include quotes and insight in our reports. The media also sometimes asks if they can talk to some of the people included in our promotion. Would you be happy for us to share your story or use it as a case study in our reports? Let us know below.Likewise, we would love to keep you up to date with the work we’re doing, advice and information, and what people are telling us about health and social care. If you would like to sign up to our newsletter, please say so below.We will never pass your information to any other person or organisation without your express permission, and your contact details will only be used by us to speak to you about your query. You can learn more about how we handle your information in our Privacy Statement. I am happy for you to contact me about sharing my story Yes No I would like to be added to your mailing list Yes No Submit Leave this field blank