About this event
“Healthy, Hearty, and Wise”
A free health and wellbeing event for all.
Date: Friday, 12th April 2024
Time: 1pm to 5pm
Venue: Conference Room, 5th Floor, Community Base, 113 Queens Road, Brighton, BN1 3XG (access via South Wing door)
The event will have:
- Health and wellbeing information desks (run by statutory agencies and health & wellbeing charities)
- Presentations and direct advice by specialist organisations
- Multi-course Mediterranean food (vegetarian and vegan)
- Poetry for wellbeing
- Music
- Fitness exercise
- Free publications
- Cartoons exhibition (e.g. on healthy lifestyles, giving up smoking)
- Goodie bags (with health & wellbeing advice, and a surprise “feel good” gift)
Free Health Checks:
From 11am-5pm, a nurse from B&H City Council Public Health Team will provide 40-minute-long free health checks in a separate room. Health checks will include: cholesterol testing (no fasting necessary), blood pressure, body mass index, and lifestyle advice.
These checks are for employees/volunteers of a company/organisation who are aged 40-74 and who are NOT already being treated by their GP for heart/chronic kidney conditions, stroke or diabetes.
Contact details
Prior booking via email is required for signing up for this health check (info@euromernet.org). Please specify which slot you wish to book: (11am, 12pm, 2pm, 3pm, 4pm).
Please let us know by replying to this email whether you will be attending the main event from 1pm to 5pm. This will help us to know the numbers so as to make sure that we will have sufficient food and goodie bags for everyone.