September 2020

Eating Well to Stay Healthy as You Age with Nutritionist Fran Taylor.

Community events
Thursday 3rd September, 2020 - 11:00 to 12:00

About this event

The training which is delivered by Brighton and Hove Food Partnership and Impact Initiatives as part of the Ageing Well service is for professionals working with older people in Brighton and Hove. It will help you to understand the risk factors of undernutrition, ask the right questions, know how to spot the signs and be able to suggest ideas to help prevent it.

We will explore undernutrition, its causes and effects and how to use the handy nutrition wheel as a conversation starter. You will also get to know some great tips on fortifying food with a live demonstration. For more details of what is included in the training please visit the Eventbrite page.

We will be sending out nutrition wheels, booklets and other info via post prior to training so please sign up with your current office address to ensure you receive these in time.

This training will be limited to 15 participants, please share details with relevant staff members.

Contact details

Remember to include your current office address to be sent an info pack in the post. 

The training will be hosted on Zoom

Eventbrite Link

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