My Choice - a new information resource for people living with dementia

My Choice is a free and accessible booklet containing information to help you feel empowered and to help you live well after a diagnosis of dementia.
two men talking

The My Choice information resource has been developed by Kath Sykes, Health Innovation Kent Surrey Sussex/NIHR Applied Research Collaboration KSS Implementation Lead, clinical and academic experts, and people living with dementia, in response to concern that people do not get the information they need following a diagnosis of dementia. While most helpful to be shared around the time of a diagnosis, it contains information useful to most people along their dementia journey.

The aim of My Choice is to give you accurate and accessible information in a way that helps you make informed choices to support your health and well-being now and for the future. What you choose to do, and how you do that is your choice. It is very important that you feel comfortable and enjoy the things you do. But don’t be afraid to try new things, or to do things differently. This can feel overwhelming at first, and you might need some support when trying new things, but it is often worth it in the longer term.

My choice includes information based on the most up-to-date evidence available on treatments, interventions and activities that aim to help people live well with dementia.

Click the button below to open the My Choice information resource:

My Choice information resource 

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