Health checks for people with a learning disability

Information to support you to stay well
Doctor smiling with patient in GP office.

Have a health check every year

It’s important for anyone over 14 who’s on their doctor’s learning disability list to have a check-up every year.

This check-up helps keep you healthy by talking with a doctor or nurse about your health and finding any problems early so they can be fixed.

You don’t have to be sick to have a check-up – most people do it even when they feel fine.

More information

The Brighton and Hove Community Learning Disability Team

The Community Learning Disability Team provides specialist services for adults aged 18 and older with learning disabilities in Brighton & Hove.

The Community Learning Disability Team provides specialist health and social care services to adults with learning disabilities and their families, including:

  • Care management and social care
  • Community nursing
  • Occupational therapy
  • Physiotherapy
  • Psychiatry
  • Psychology, including behaviour support and counselling
  • Speech and language therapy.

Contact The Community Learning Disability Team

Call: 01273 295550

Contact the learning disability liaison nurses

Call: 01273 696955, ext. 64975

Visit the Brighton and Hove website

Helpful websites and organisations

  • My Life Brighton & Hove: the information hub for health and social care in Brighton & Hove.
  • Amaze: local organisation supporting parent carers and young people with a special educational need and/or a disability.
  • Preparing for adulthood: information for 16-25 year olds with a special educational need and/or a disability about becoming more independent.
  • NHS – get advice on different health conditions
  • Mencap – get information and support on lots of things, including relationships, housing, travel and wellbeing
  • Grace Eyre – local support for people with a learning disability

Get help asking for help

An advocacy organisation can help people with learning disabilities speak up and take action about the things that matter to them.


Easyread guide to annual health checks