Pharmacy opening times, May Bank Holiday 2024

Information about pharmacy opening times
Male pharmacist serving a female customer

In your preparations for the Bank Holiday weekend, don’t forget to order any repeat medications in good time, as GP practices will be closed and pharmacy opening times are likely to change.

To find an open pharmacy near you this Bank Holiday, you can visit the NHS England website here, or click the link below for a poster detailing which pharmacies will be open.

A digital map of the pharmacies that will be open on the Bank Holidays has also been created, you can access the map via the link below.

Map – Sussex Pharmacy Opening Times 

It is a good idea to contact the pharmacy before attending to make sure they have what you need.

How your Pharmacy can help

As qualified healthcare professionals, Pharmacists can offer clinical advice and over-the-counter medicines for a range of minor illnesses, such as coughs, colds, sore throats, tummy trouble and aches and pains.

If symptoms suggest it’s something more serious, pharmacists have the right training to make sure you get the help you need. For example they will tell you if you need to see a GP, nurse or other healthcare professional.

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