Improving the Outpatient experience - Part 2: Information shared with participants

Participant Information provided in conjunction with the Healthwatch in Sussex Outpatient deliberative engagement workshops held April - May 2023.

This page accompanies the report from the Outpatient deliberative engagement workshops held by Healthwatch in Sussex on behalf of NHS Sussex in April - May 2023.

The purpose of the workshops was to review four proposed initiatives to transform the outpatient experience, as part of NHS England’s Outpatient Recovery and Transformation Programme.

Workshops followed a deliberative engagement methodology which focused on increasing participant knowledge of the outpatient system and enabling them to make an informed judgement of the transformation options proposed.

Participants were encouraged to view the transformation from others’ perspectives as well as their own, by being provided with scenarios and encouraged to listen to other perspectives in their discussion groups. The majority of workshop time was given to participant discussion and feedback.

Information shared with participants in conjunction with these workshops, including scenarios are shown below.

Pre-workshop information:

Information shared with people on being accepted as participants for the workshops

Workshop 1: Introduction to Outpatient Transformation

Healthwatch Introductory Presentation
NHS Sussex Outpatient Transformation Team presentation

Workshop 2: Advice & Guidance and Utilising System Capacity (Patient Choice)

Participant Information on Advice & Guidance
Participant Information on Patient Choice
NHS Sussex presentation
Scenarios used in workshop 2

Workshop 3: Patient Initiated Follow-up (PIFU) and Did not attends (DNAs).

Participant Information on PIFU
Participant information on DNAs
NHS Sussex presentation
PIFU sample patient leaflet

Workshop 4: Communicating the transofrmation to the wider public

NHS Sussex presentation

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