Support groups for people bereaved by suicide

Facing the future provides safe online support groups for people bereaved by suicide where they can talk through their feelings with others who have similar experiences.
Facing the future logo with orange sun.

Facing the Future support groups give our participants the opportunity to meet others (on Zoom) who have lost someone to suicide, and to share their experiences and feelings. Each support group is run by two specially-trained volunteers with previous experience in their parent organisation. The emphasis is on peer-to-peer support by the participants; the facilitators do not set an agenda, do not offer advice and do not provide counselling.

The closed online groups meet at the same time each week over six consecutive weeks (with different groups starting on different days of the week/different times of the day), and each session lasts for 90 minutes. There are around eight participants in each group and sessions are free of charge.

It is important that all participants in a group are able to attend the first session, and we would hope that they can attend the other five as well in order to get the most out of the experience.

See more on their website here and via their poster downloadable below.


Facing the future poster

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