New advice and support services to help people waiting for treatment in Sussex

In response to the plan, the Sussex Health and Care Partnership is working to ensure you get the care you need as soon as possible. While you are waiting for a hospital appointment, there is now more support available via a new online platform and website. You can also check average waiting times at local hospitals for the specialist area you need.
A new My Planned Care website
Built in conjunction with patient groups, the national My Planned Care website allows patients and their carers to access information ahead of their planned appointment, operation or treatment.
The platform will be expanded in the coming months to include more specific information for specialties and how patients can contact hospital departments and teams. This will also include signposting to existing community support, public health wellbeing services, the voluntary and community sector and non-acute provider services for advice and support for physical and mental wellbeing.
A new website providing advice and resources for Sussex
Health and care partners in Sussex have also launched a new online advice service to support people as they wait to help them to stay well. It includes advice on how to manage symptoms, a focus on mental health and wellbeing and how to manage other demands or pressures while they wait.
Alternative formats for people without online access and hard copies of the advice will be provided in community locations, and on request.
Targeted packages of support will be rolled out to support those patients waiting for procedures with the longest waits or those with the greatest need.
GPs and primary care teams will also be able to access the information through the My Planned Care platform and on the Sussex Health and Care Partnership website, helping them to have more informed conversations with their patients.
Click here to visit the new My Planned Care website
Click here to visit the new advice and resources website for Sussex
Frequently Asked Questions about My Planned Care
Can all patients access to the My Planned Care platform?
Yes, the platform is open to everyone so anyone will be able to view it. The platform is easy to access and navigate and is designed for patients who are on a NHS wait list, as well as their relatives/carers and supporting healthcare teams, such as their primary care team.
How often will it be updated?
It will be updated weekly from a data perspective and as often as required once trusts supply their clinical content.