Where to find LGBTQ+ support and resources

Resources for LGBTQ+ people
Graphic images, Figures lined up across image, Each one different colour of the rainbow

Brighton and Hove Switchboard LGBT:

Is a charity for LGBTQ+ people looking for a sense of community, support and information. You can talk to us confidentially and anonymously about anything that’s on your mind. We support people with a range of questions and we believe that listening can help, whether you are looking for information and support or just need someone to talk to. We have a number of services which can be found here What We Do - Brighton & Hove LGBT Switchboard

Phone 01273 359042, or email: info@switchboard.org.uk
We are open 7:00PM – 9:30PM on Wednesdays and Thursdays.

Mental Health Rapid Response Brighton & Hove: 0300 304 0078 Open 24/7

Mindout, Brighton is a mental health service run by and for lesbians, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer people. Phone 01273 234839, or email: info@mindout.org.uk

Samaritans: (national) 116 123 Open 24/7

LGBT Foundation: (national) 0345 3 30 30 30 or email helpline@lgbt.foundation. Open 9am-9pm Monday to Friday, 10am-6pm Saturday and Sunday.

Mermaids: (national) 0808 801 0400 or text MERMAIDS to 85258 for 24/7 crisis support, or use the webchat on their website. Open 9am – 9pm Monday to Friday (helpline and webchat). Text service 24/7

Galop (National LGBT+ Domestic Abuse Helpline): 0800 999 5428 or email advice@galop.org.uk Open 10am – 5pm Monday to Friday. 10am – 8pm Wednesday to Thursday

The Rainbow Hub, Brighton is a local point of contact for LGBT+ people seeking up to date help, information or guidance, in a safe, non-judgemental environment. Phone 01273 675 445, or email: hello@therainbowhubbrighton.com

The Clare Project, The Clare Project supports transgender, non-binary and gender-variant people in Brighton and across Sussex. They run weekly drop-ins and offer peer support to anyone wishing to explore issues around gender identity. Email info@clareproject.org.uk or call 07464 229395 and request Gray

Rise, Brighton offer prevention and recovery support services to those who have experienced domestic abuse in Brighton and Hove. Call 01273 622 822 (Tuesday and Wednesday mornings 9.30 - 12.30pm), or make a referral online

SHAC Brighton & Hove Sexual Health & Contraception Service (SHAC) is free, confidential & open to everyone. Visit their website for more details.

THT Brighton offer HIV and sexual health services in Brighton and Hove. Call 01273 764200 or 07741 322487 or email: info.brighton@tht.org.uk

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