COVID-19 vaccinations - Fact Check

You've probably read a lot of things about the coronavirus online, but not everything you have seen is true.
SHCP fact check

This page provides accurate advice about the COVID-19 vaccines.

If you have concerns about having the vaccine, or unanswered questions, then do please read the information provided below, and the guide which is attached at the bottom of the page.

If you have specific questions you can contact:

The Sussex Health and Care Partnership by emailing 

By emailing Healthwatch Brighton and Hove -


‘fact check’ has been produced by the Sussex Health and Care Partnership which tackles some of the biggest concerns and inaccuracies out there, and sets the record straight with the facts and trusted information.

A new website designed to help the public answer questions about the COVID-19 vaccine has launched. Covid Vax Facts details answers from expert, independent doctors and scientists about the most common concerns raised by the public. 

You can read the answers to key questions currently in the news or pose your own questions for a response.

Healthwatch has worked with Latest TV and took part in an upcoming programme with The British Society of Immunology.

We have shared some of your questions concerning vaccine hesitancy with them. The programme should air in May time, but we will share any information ahead of this as we receive it.

The British Society of Immunology has shared with us some incredibly useful resources which should help answer many of your questions and queries. Please do take time to read the guides or watch the helpful and clear videos which involve medical experts answering your questions.

A guide to vaccinations for COVID-19 addressing common questions

What’s in a vaccine an infographic and blog explaining in detail the ingredients found in vaccines.

Types of vaccines for COVID-19 - infographics on how the different types of vaccine work.

COVID-19 vaccine Q&A videos.

Each video sees 10 commonly asked questions which have been sent into us by the public answered by one of our experts. 


You can download the guide here. If you need it in a different formate please contact us at: 


COVID vaccine fact check

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